The words of Lamentations as paraphrased by Eugene Peterson speak to my current life experiences. Earlier this week I finalized a decision that is very simply one of the most difficult choices I have ever made.
It is the time for me to hold on closely to my family and identity in Christ and to let go of a place and position that has been indescribably influential and formative in my life. I do not wish to speak any further about my personal situation as I am fine and this was a prayerful decision made by my family and I several months ago.
I only desire an attempt at the impossible task of thanking all the people who believed in me and supported me in my time at North Central University. I know some will be left out and I hope that does not imply that I love or appreciate you any less. To all current and former NCU athletics coaches, staff or student-athletes I am so very grateful for the times we shared together. To the athletes I’ve coached, I hope one day my son is blessed to be in a community of people as special and lovely as the ones you created on our teams. I can give you no greater compliment.
Finally, the text of my resignation letter:
November 26, 2018
After much prayer and seeking Godly counsel, and in consideration of recent changes to my position within the athletics department, I find it necessary and in the best interest of myself and family and the extended North Central University community that I submit my resignation from all professional responsibilities, upon completion of those duties in 2018.
Over the last 18 years it has been my great privilege to have been a part of the North Central Cross Country and Track & Field programs, as a student athlete, assistant and head coach. Outside of my wife and immediate family no group of people has been more influential in my life than my teammates, coaches and coworkers at North Central, many of whom are still of great impact in my daily life today.
It has been a beautiful experience working alongside athletes in the NCU cross country and track programs. These men and women of Christ-like spirit, great character, unparalleled work ethic and immense talent made it an honor to come to work each day. To have been trusted with the responsibility of guiding young people in stewardship of their athletic gifts while using those abilities to worship the Lord in spirit and truth is humbling beyond words. A debt of thankfulness is owed to each and every Ram I was fortunate to work with over the years. We accomplished so much together and, to me, you will always be far more than just a GPA number or one line on a results page.
I am forever grateful to my coach, mentor and friend, Greg Hayton along with former assistant athletic director Cedric Jones for launching my dream career in college athletics when they hired me as a student worker at NCU. Additional thanks to former Vice President of Student Development, Mike Nosser, who along with Coach Hayton, believed in me enough to make me the head coach at NCU in 2006. Thank you as well, to Greg Johnson for his support and leadership the last several years including the work that allowed us to host our first ever home meet, the 2015 UMAC Championships. I would also like to thank former supervisors, great friends and forever adopted family Michelle Sieh, Jon High and Jake Smith for their leadership and support along the way.
To the many other student-athletes across the rosters of different NCU sports teams I had the honor to support and cover as a sports information professional, I know the time and sacrifice you gave to our school. Aside from the many parents and family met over the years, I’ll always be your biggest fan.
A final thanks to Dr. Gordon Anderson and Scott Hagan for their support of athletics at North Central University.
God bless and GO RAMS!.
Trey Meadows
Additionally, Tim Austin, Dave Mowers, Tony Lehr, Bree Williamson, Kara Hurst, Catherine Winkelman, David Calhoun, Kelsey Daggett and Jimmy Hultengren, Brian & Sarah Lee, Matt Haskins and Jenny Hitchcock thank you for standing with me as we served student-athletes on the cross country and track teams.
Finally a huge thanks to several others I would like to thank who helped and encouraged me as I cared for the student-athletes at NCU. Fellow coaches and staff Kenny Flermoen, Steph Schmidt, Tim Beasley, Trent Emenecker, Megan Kaczmarek, George Carr, Andrew Cameron, Daved Lundeen, Lon Flippo, Paul Brunner, Justin Brown and Faith Ooms. And a very special thanks to the unique and important contributions of athletic trainers Amara Kelly Sing Pamperin, Karmen Voigt and Dr. Tom Smith, ATC.
Blessings to you all, and please consider the more excellent way this holiday season. Thanks for your time.